Die Suche ergab 14 Treffer

von Spion
Di Jul 05, 2022 8:00 pm
Forum: Badewiese [Public DC Server]
Thema: DC2
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 100576

Re: DC2

Only on a separate server...
von Spion
So Mai 22, 2022 8:15 am
Forum: Badewiese [Public DC Server]
Thema: Nothing has changed
Antworten: 9
Zugriffe: 285840

Re: Nothing has changed

Zebra need a few weeks for this. Currently he is busy with his private life.
von Spion
Mi Apr 27, 2022 6:27 pm
Forum: Badewiese [Public DC Server]
Thema: Nothing has changed
Antworten: 9
Zugriffe: 285840

Re: Nothing has changed

von Spion
Di Apr 26, 2022 7:20 pm
Forum: Badewiese [Public DC Server]
Thema: Nothing has changed
Antworten: 9
Zugriffe: 285840

Re: Nothing has changed

I don't know.. looks like the Server didn't accept the settings...
von Spion
So Dez 26, 2021 8:50 pm
Forum: Badewiese [Public DC Server]
Thema: 64/128Slot
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 76867


Hi everyone.

What do you mean? Does we try 64 or 128Slot on this server?

If we go over 64slot, the server is no longer listed on gametraker. Is that a Problem?

von Spion
So Sep 12, 2021 8:06 pm
Forum: Badewiese [Public DC Server]
Thema: Let's change autobalance
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 112616

Re: Let's change autobalance

i set it to 3. Lets try it.
von Spion
Mo Apr 05, 2021 9:05 am
Forum: Badewiese [Public DC Server]
Thema: Enable Kick Vote
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 208082

Re: Enable Kick Vote

Hallo zusammen,

AHAB, hast du Teamspeak, oder kannst du mir eine PN mit deiner Mail schicken? Ich würde dir dann entsprechende Rechte zukommen lassen.
von Spion
So Mär 14, 2021 9:08 pm
Forum: Badewiese [Public DC Server]
Thema: Still need admin right to kick cheaters
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 101410

Re: Still need admin right to kick cheaters

Tell me the name please.
von Spion
Sa Mär 06, 2021 3:35 pm
Forum: Badewiese [Public DC Server]
Thema: Team stackers & Base rapers
Antworten: 15
Zugriffe: 290116

Re: Team stackers & Base rapers


the Autobalance is on +2
von Spion
Sa Mär 06, 2021 3:30 pm
Forum: Badewiese [Public DC Server]
Thema: Enable Kick Vote
Antworten: 8
Zugriffe: 208082

Re: Enable Kick Vote

The vote is activated. I think it should stay that way.